Tanisia Smith, BA, LMT


Welcome to the AMTA website home of Goddess Within.

I named my service Goddess Within because I wanted to focus on treatments that highlight the most powerful healing tools that you possess, which are inside of you, where the Divine spark dwells. I feel strongly about going within to examine this rather than creating an ideology that centers around moving away from pain and discomfort.

Pain is the body's urgent signal that tells us something is amiss. Becoming willing to fully parse that signal gives us a chance to address and understand the core of what is happening, so that we can make corrections that help us to live in balance and comfort.  Moving away from pain without listening to its message means rejecting the body's wisdom. It's a way to get stuck in an unpleasant place.

The manual therapies I offer are designed to help alleviate pain and muscle tension. We begin by understanding where the imbalance is, then moving to make a series of corrections.

I offer a simple canvass of treatments. You are cordially invited to click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about how my work can help you feel better, live better, and love where you are.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, you are welcome to call, or to click on "Contact Me" and send me a message.  Do visit my sister site at  http://www.GoddessWithinLLC.com

Thanks for your visit. I look forward to meeting with you.


Light to you,


